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How much does wasp nest removal cost?

September 4, 2023
How much does wasp nest removal cost

On average, the cost of wasp nest removal is $400, but it can vary depending on factors like the type of wasps, level of infestation, and the treatment method used. The price can go as low as $100 and as high as $1,300.

To provide you with a better understanding of the potential cost of removing wasp nests, we will outline the factors that influence the cost and discuss the additional fees you may come across. We’ll also discuss the cost if you remove the nest on your own.

What factors affect the cost of removing the wasp nest?

Type of Wasps

Type of Wasps
Hornet$300 to $400
Paper Wasp$100 to $200
Red Wasp$310 to $400
Mud Dauber$300 to $400
Yellowjacket$500 to $750
Bald-Faced Hornet$625 to $750

Different wasp species may require specific techniques or treatments for effective removal. Each wasp species exhibits different behaviors, nesting habits, and levels of aggression, which can impact the complexity of the job.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are typically the cheapest to remove, as they are the least aggressive, costing anywhere from $100 to $200. They build open, umbrella-shaped nests made of a paper-like material.


Hornets are also generally less aggressive than other wasps, but they can get aggressive when their nest is threatened. They’re larger than other wasps, so getting stung is usually more painful and can lead to swelling.

Removal of their nest can cost you anywhere from $300 to $400.

Mud Daubers

Like Hornets, Mud Daubers are also only aggressive when their nest is threatened. They typically build their nests in porches, sheds, garages, and barns, so if a person suddenly walks in, they may perceive them as a threat and start attacking.

Their removal usually costs around the same price as hornets, $300 to $400.

Red Wasps

Red wasps are also not particularly aggressive, so they’re not that expensive to remove. They’re easy to distinguish due to their reddish-brown color and the paper-like material they use to build their umbrella-shaped nests.

Removal of red wasp nets typically ranges between $310 and $400.


Unlike the other wasps we mentioned, yellowjackets are aggressive whether they’re near their nest or not, so they’re naturally more expensive to remove. 

Additionally, their nests are located in hard-to-reach areas like underground tunnels and wall voids, making it harder to remove them. You can expect to pay $500 to $750 if you need to remove a medium-sized yellow jacket.

Bald-Faced Hornets

Although they’re less aggressive than yellowjackets, bald-faced hornets are a bit more expensive to remove, costing $625 to $750. The reason behind this is the location of their nests.

Bald-faced hornets typically build their nests in elevated locations like tall trees, making it more dangerous for exterminators to remove them. They may also start attacking the exterminators once it gets close to their nest.

Treatment Method

Treatment Method
Treatment MethodCost

Based on the level of infestation, location of the net, and the types of wasps, exterminators may recommend different types of treatment to ensure that the wasps don’t come back.


Extermination is typically the fastest way to remove wasps, but it’s not always recommended, as it requires exterminators to kill the entire wasp colony. It’s only done when the colony is too big and aggressive, where wasp removal is no longer viable.

The cost of extermination starts at $100, but the average cost is around $350.

Wasp Removal

Wasp removal cost also starts at $100, with an average cost of $400. It’s a bit costlier than extermination, as it’s more dangerous.

Wasp removal involves physically removing and relocating the wasps and their nests without killing them, so there’s a higher risk of attack. This is often done to preserve the ecosystem.


Another treatment method is aerosol, where insecticide or aerosol is sprayed directly into the nest to kill the wasps. This method is often used when the wasp net is still relatively small and easy to control.

The cost of this treatment starts at $125+ for traditional chemicals, but if you opt for natural-plant-based pesticides, the minimum cost is usually $150.


Dusting involves the use of powdered insecticides to eliminate the nest in areas that are hard to reach. 

The dust insecticide is applied to the nest’s entrance, which gets carried by the wasps passing through it, effectively spreading the insecticide to the entire nest.

The cost for this treatment typically starts at $200 and can go up depending on the type of wasp, the size of the nest, and how long the treatment process is.


Vacuuming, on the other hand, doesn’t use any chemicals to remove or kill the wasps. Instead, it uses a specialized vacuum to suck out the wasps from the net, making it the most suitable approach when removing wasps inside the house.

The cost of vacuuming typically starts at $250, making it one of the priciest methods available.

Infestation Level

Infestation Level

The size of the infestation can significantly affect the complexity of the removal process and, subsequently, the cost. 

If the nest is small and the infestation is contained, it may be easier and quicker to remove, resulting in a lower cost. However, if the infestation is extensive or there are multiple nests, it may require more resources and time, leading to a higher cost.

Some cases may also need multiple treatments to ensure that the entire nest is removed. This means you’ll also have to pay for more chemicals and professional fees.

Severe infestation may also cause other damage to the house, so you’ll have to pay for additional repair fees.

Location of the Wasp Nest

Location of the Wasp Nest

If the nest is easily accessible, visible, and reachable, the removal process may be relatively less costly. 

However, if the nest is located in hard-to-reach areas or confined spaces or requires specialized equipment or techniques for access, it can increase the complexity and time required for removal, thus impacting the cost.

Rates of Exterminators

Rates of Exterminators

Different exterminators charge different rates, so it’s always advised to ask for quotes from different companies. The difference can be due to your address, their level of expertise and experience, and the resources they use for the removal process.

Aside from the actual removal process, you’ll also have to pay for the initial visit, which typically costs $150 to $300. During this visit, they’ll survey the area and discuss with the removal process.

What additional costs should I consider when removing wasp nests?

What additional costs should I consider when removing wasp nests

Additional costs that you may incur during wasp nest removal are repair costs for your house. 

The exterminator may remove or cut parts of your walls and ceilings to gain access to the nest and to effectively remove them, so you’ll have to pay for the repair of those.

Some wasps also create new entry points to their nest, so you’ll have to seal them too.  

Some exterminators include the repair cost to the overall cost of removal, so you won’t have to pay for it separately.

How much does it cost to remove wasp nests by yourself?

How much does it cost to remove wasp nests by yourself

The cost of removing wasp nests by yourself ranges from $50 to $220. The cost is typically composed of the treatment products you’ll use and the protective clothing you’ll need to safely remove the nest.

It’s important to note that removing wasp nests can be dangerous, particularly if you are inexperienced or dealing with aggressive wasp species. It’s only advisable to do it on your own when the nest is still small and controllable.

When the nest is too big or there are already multiple nests, it’s best to call professionals. 

FAQs about Wasp Nest Removal

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